Tattoos and a Swing Set in India

Waiting Playground

Waiting Playground

Now that you’ve read some of my musings about misadventures and mishaps in India, let me tell you about the real reason I went to such a faraway land.  It’s all about the girls.  I went to see the schoolgirls I’ve been supporting at my friend’s school in the heart of one of the busiest sex trafficking areas in the world.  It was the tenth anniversary of the Piyali Learning Centre, and  was it ever wonderful.  The school is like an oasis in the desert.  The girls were just as adorable as their pictures–shy, sweet, and full of hope for a decent future.

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Here’s the fun part.  The girls got glitter “tattoos!”  Such a thrill for someone whose arm is usually carrying a stack of wood or a bucket of water, or her mother’s latest  baby.  They crowded around me, laughing and holding out stick-thin arms sporting shiny designs.  My new friend, Stasi, a cosmetologist from California, had brought along her book of choices  with the bright paints  and sparkles.

Lining Up for the Slide

Lining Up for the Slide

Here’s another fun part.  The school had just received a brand new swing set.  It sat on a new grassy lawn, all pristine and colorful, but the girls were told to wait until after the school’s anniversary celebration to even approach it.  Later, when they were given permission to go play, they lined up in close formation, as always.  I had gotten into a conversation with one of the beautiful sari-clad teachers and wasn’t watching the girls until I noticed some motion out of the corner of my eye:  the girls were on the slide.   They were coming down, touching each other without any space between their bodies.  Honey, they shot down that slide faster than a rushing Arkansas river.   Like one long caterpillar, they climbed the ladder, sat at the top, and whooshed down.  They didn’t know that there’s a rule for slides:  wait for the person at the bottom to move away!  One at a time!  Take your turn!  When I asked the teacher about this she smiled.  “These girls have never seen playground equipment before.”  Hmmm… I had to think about that…

Don’t forget to hug your kids…

If you want to see more about my friend’s school, go to